Analytics at deal speed

Propel32 is a technology enabled M&A advisory firm that leverages analytics to deliver deeper insights during diligence and to find new value capture opportunities post deal. We help our private equity and corporate clients close more of the right deals and find new earnings opportunities for their portfolio companies.

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how we help

Our diagnostic tools help you quickly understand business performance and validate deal hypothesis with greater precision

  • Reduce dead deal fees: Close out bad deals earlier in the process
  • Deploy more capital: Lower risk around key deal issues facilitating more competitive bids
  • Increase ROI: Hit the ground running on post deal value capture opportunities identified during diligence

Increase the attractiveness of your business by validating the equity story and smoothen the deal process with robust analysis 

  • Prevent surprises: Validate the growth story before you go to market
  • Capture value from unseen opportunities: Use analytics to help potential bidders identify new value growth opportunities 
  • Facilitate more competitive bids: Create competitive tension with robust analysis that supports managements assertions

Improve ROI through greater visibility on performance and the ability to find new growth opportunities

  • Revisit earnings targets post deal: Set achievable earnings targets with the benefit of greater access to data and management
  • Adjust quickly to meet earnings targets: Precisely measure the impact of strategic initiatives and make adjustments quickly
  • Find new opportunities to beat earnings targets: Create a data driven culture where management is engaged and enabled by analytics

if you are looking at deals in these sectors

Example of the questions we address:
  • How do reimbursement rates differ by payor-procedure-geography and where are there opportunities to reduce leakage?
  • How has CV-19 driven variability in site level performance and what options exist to improve utilization across the portfolio?
  • Which networks should I be focusing on by market as a source of referrals?
  • What is my market share by site and are there new markets that I should be exploring?
Examples of the questions we address:
  • How has CV-19 impacted customer buying patterns and how do I take advantage of this opportunity?
  • Which products can be bundled to increase average order values and how does this vary by sales channel?
  • What is the root cause of customer churn by market and what steps can I take to improve retention?
  • What demographic and economic factors have the biggest impact on variability in site level performance and how does this shape my view on which sites I may need to rationalize?
Example of the questions we address:
  • How sensitive are my customers to changes in price and where do opportunities exist to increase by product, customer type and market?
  • Which customers are at risk of churning and which customers should we focus on retaining?
  • Which facilities present opportunities to drive cost efficiencies based on benchmarks from facilities in similar sized markets?
  • Which products or services can be bundled to increase spend by customer and how does this vary by end market?
Example of the questions we address:
  • What are the characteristics of customers with high churn and how do we apply these learnings to help target our marketing efforts?
  • Which products can be bundled together to increase spend per customer without increasing churn?
  • How has CV-19 impacted demand by customer type and how do we shape our product development to address our customers’ changing needs?
  • What is the optimal price by product that maximizes LTV?

and need better visibility around these themes

Better understand your most valuable customers so that you can find more of them

Where we focus:
  • Who are my highest and lowest value customers?
  • What factors matter most when valuing the customer base?
  • What characteristics should I focus on to target high-value customers?
  • How can I improve the performance of my lower value customers?

Helping you retain high-value customer segments by understanding the factors that drive churn

Where we focus:
  • What is my retention rate for the different customer segments of my business?
  • What is driving the variability across these segments and over time?
  • What is driving churn in my poor performing customer segments?
  • What can I learn from my higher retention segments to improve overall retention?

Gain insights on the best price to charge by product or service

Where we focus:
  • Where does pricing variability exist among similar groups of customers and products?
  • To what degree are my customers sensitive to price?
  • What is the price that I should charge for each product or service in order to optimize revenue and gross profit?
  • How does the optimal price differ by region, customer type and/or business unit?

Discover opportunities to sell additional products/services to your existing customer base

Where we focus:
  • What proportion of each customer cohort buys the full suite of products that I sell?
  • What does the typical product basket look like by customer type, region and/or end market?
  • What variability exists in the typical product baskets for similar cohorts of customers?
  • What products and product categories are most helpful in achieving increased cross-sell by customer type, region and/or end market?

Understand what drives site-level performance to optimize existing portfolio and identify expansion opportunities

Where we focus:
  • What do the key demand drivers and competitive landscape look like around each of my sites?
  • What factors have the biggest impact on site-level performance?
  • What lessons can I learn from my over-performing sites and apply to the rest of my portfolio?
  • What regions/locations should I expand to and what sites should I rationalize?

Identify opportunities to get more out of your supply chain

Where we focus:
  • Which suppliers are the most critical to my supply chain?
  • Which vendors add the most value and why?
  • How do I benchmark pricing by product from each supplier?
  • To what degree can I get better pricing terms?

Make your customer acquisition and marketing resources go further

Where we focus:
  • What activities have historically had the biggest impact on client engagement?
  • What do my highest quality leads look like and where do they come from?
  • How should I benchmark and motivate my sales team?
  • What resources should I allocate and where should I deploy them?

Make better decisions that drive growth in your organization

Find out how Propel32 can help